OSHAS is an international organization functioning for the protection of employees working in hazardous occupational conditions. OHSAS 18001 is a globally accredited occupational health and safety management system. All companies and organizations can get this standard if they effectively implement health and safety facilities in workplaces. OSHAS 18001 standard is equivalent to the ISO 14001:2004 standard and it is also compatible with ISO 90001:2000 certification. OHSAS standard help companies to implement high quality health and safety guidelines. The British Standard institution formulated ohsas standard, as there was an increasing demand for guidelines when it came to health and safety management. OHSAS 18001 standard is accredited to companies that strictly follow the health and safety regulations set by OHSAS. OHSAS standard is an assurance that there are no health and safety risks in the company. Companies have to implement some quality assurance procedures to be eligible for OHSAS accreditation. • A list of possible health and safety risks should be prepared and adequate health and safety measures should be adopted for addressing it. • The company should allocate funds for successfully implementing OHSAS standards. • Assigning specific responsibilities to people for taking care of health and safety • Provide frequent workplace health and safety training sessions • Maintain a list of employees who successfully completed safety training course • Constant watch over the health and safety standards in the workplace OHSAS helps industries and organizations to ensure that health and safety management system is implemented effectively in a way that suits the workplace.